Sunday, May 19, 2013

Becoming Organized At Work

By Franklin Skribbit

Some people just have an eye for design. They don't learn the skill in a book. They never take formal training, and yet they create visual masterpieces that are both beautiful and functional. They are in tune with the artistic side of their brain. It dictates creativity to them. These people have the eye of web design.

This career is obviously varied from person to person, but the fact remains that an individual's profession makes up a large portion of their lives. Because of this, or because of the promise of more money, most people wish to succeed in their careers.

First up, a lot of emphasis is being given to mobile-able sites. Each website is not only carefully designed for desktop computers, but it is also designed to fit perfectly across phones, tablets, and other mobile applications with access to the internet.

The best way designers are finding to make this process doable is to build up as opposed to build down. This means that every page designed starts on the tiny screen of a smart phone. Colors, graphics, and designs are made to streamline and look good here before the designer moves on to bigger displays. Graphics and designs are added as more space becomes available, but the basic site is built before the complex one.

The first step an employee can take to become better organized, whether they are starting a new job or simply wish to improve their current career, is to remember that a clean work space is an improved work space. Even those who can function in clutter should strive to at least have a tidy and organized clutter on their desk.

The reason that they can do it just as well, if not better than those born with artistic sight, is because they know why web design works. Their left brained mentality screams to know the right way to do something. They have to know why every element is placed on a page. There's a rule for every shape, picture, image, or text placed on a webpage.

A long, thin navigation bar across the top of the page will always make your site easier to move thorugh. Choosing colors from a kuler will ensure your color scheme is pleasant to visitors. Correct word choice will help people navigate your site easier. When they learn the why of a specific element, they can use it to help create amazingly functional and beautiful designs.

Finally, big pictures are in. People love large, beautiful pictures. Use them as a banner (not just the thin panoramic shots that have been popular). Use them in any ads you make. Use them as welcome pages to websites. Use them whenever you need to make a statement.

By having an organized schedule one can divide their time into workable segments that will keep them on track throughout the day and will allow them to complete more tasks throughout the work week. One can begin to become more effective with their daily work schedule by having an actual planner or online scheduling software program through which they can track their progress, keep appointments, and remain on task.

Online scheduling software can be purchased online through offering graphic arts companies and hardcopy planners can be bought at most department stores or office supply stores. Both will have their advantages and both can be used to great effect while becoming organized.

There's always a reason for everything, i.e. GIFs are still incredibly popular because they can reach more browsers than the new PNG files can. Find a reason for these trends and determine if that's good enough for your clients to need those elements as well.

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