The history or network marketing, or multilevel marketing, has always had a high rate of dropouts. There are many reasons for it so many people quitting, but let's talk about some qualities you will need to be successful. If you tend to take things personally, then the high rate of rejection will likely be an issue. Forget about hitting-up your friends and family for this despite what anyone tells you - go for lead generation and closing them. You'll have to learn a lot about the company, the products, and how to market the business and here are some guidelines for you.
What is interesting about this industry is you can develop business skills that can be applied to many other areas. In IM, there are tons of sales letters promising fast autopilot money, and that mindset tends to be applied to network marketing - huge mistake. Be realistic about the business, and there are no excuses for not working it all the time. Most businesses on and off the net will fail very soon which means it's not really the business but the person behind it. You will feel much better about recruiting people when you totally believe in the company you are involved with - that is more important than you know.
Some people are not comfortable with marketing face to face which is really selling face to face. You'll need to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind which is hard for most people. The challenges are different regardless of how you earn or make money, so what's the big deal and the difference?
Just like in internet marketing, so many people spend money on how-to ebooks and videos. Then all that educational material never gets read and no action is taking. Sadly, the act of buying, and even reading, this information is thought to be work by these people. You need to do more than spend your money. You need to actually take actionable steps every day. Working every day is how you will actually get somewhere in this business.
It's all about being truthful, and doing what you need to, to find success. If you are not sure how to market or generate leads, then find out any way you can.
Some things have not changed with network marketing like the marketing principles it uses. You can and should leverage technology because it can amplify your efforts. Sure, the internet has its uses, but speaking with people directly is really hard to beat so don't ignore it.
What is interesting about this industry is you can develop business skills that can be applied to many other areas. In IM, there are tons of sales letters promising fast autopilot money, and that mindset tends to be applied to network marketing - huge mistake. Be realistic about the business, and there are no excuses for not working it all the time. Most businesses on and off the net will fail very soon which means it's not really the business but the person behind it. You will feel much better about recruiting people when you totally believe in the company you are involved with - that is more important than you know.
Some people are not comfortable with marketing face to face which is really selling face to face. You'll need to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind which is hard for most people. The challenges are different regardless of how you earn or make money, so what's the big deal and the difference?
Just like in internet marketing, so many people spend money on how-to ebooks and videos. Then all that educational material never gets read and no action is taking. Sadly, the act of buying, and even reading, this information is thought to be work by these people. You need to do more than spend your money. You need to actually take actionable steps every day. Working every day is how you will actually get somewhere in this business.
It's all about being truthful, and doing what you need to, to find success. If you are not sure how to market or generate leads, then find out any way you can.
Some things have not changed with network marketing like the marketing principles it uses. You can and should leverage technology because it can amplify your efforts. Sure, the internet has its uses, but speaking with people directly is really hard to beat so don't ignore it.
About the Author:
Before you get started in network marketing make sure you read Donna's excellent blog about a great multi level marketing company and an awesome home based business.
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