Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tips On How To Declutter Your Home By Going Green

By Hedrick Lepsch

Through the years, as we grow older, it is only natural that we start to collect stuff. This "stuff" builds up in our living rooms, kitchens, and our garages, sometimes making it difficult to navigate our way through our house.

You built it yourself, and you couldn't be more proud of your accomplishment. You plastered the name Rusty on it to give it a personality, even though the name doesn't nearly describe the state of your storage machine.

Around the shelves are scattered lawn mowers, ladders, bikes, and other large garage dwellers that don't have a home to sit on, and so they take up space along the sides. They long for a home, but won't do well on Rusty.

On the back wall you can find your glorious work bench. Another home built contraption, it acts as the operating table for all of your home experiments. Scattered remnants of past projects sit as monuments of memory to inspire. Tools lay in clumps, waiting to be used just as soon as you can find them.

One thing you can do to make the process of cleaning out your garage easier is to invite people over to help. Whether it is your family, friends, or fellow church members, having company while you clean will make the process go by much faster.

Junk mail can also pile up in our garages. If no one reads it, why keep it around? Stop receiving junk mail and find yourself a little bit freer of your clutter. Another huge thing to learn is to stop receiving phonebooks as well.

In this modern Internet age, people rarely even use traditional phonebooks anymore. So why keep 6 extras lying around in your garage? These phonebooks are useless and only take up space. Another way to declutter while staying green is to recycle your old electronics.

Next, take those bikes, skis, ladders, and other large items hanging around the side walls of the garage and purchase a pulley system or racks to hang these from the walls or ceiling. With the right equipment, you can safely hang a lot of these big items from somewhere out of the way.

You increase the amount of room available in your garage while not decreasing what you store there. Who knows, maybe you'll finally fit that second car.

Delta Doors Company provides quality garage door repair in Sacramento. They live in the garage with their work and have seen the best and worst organization systems.

If you're going to be throwing away a large volume of items, having the dumpster on your property will come in very handy. In order to keep your garage healthy and in working order, your garage door must be working properly as well. If you're having trouble with your garage door in Sacramento, Delta Door Company can help you out. Your garage door in Sacramento can receive a makeover in no time.

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