Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blurring The Lines Of Retirement For Family Business Owners

By Frank Sardony

When you retire, what are your plans? Will you teach part time, consult, or start a hang gliding business in Peru? Perhaps you want to stay involved in a enterprise and mentor the next generation of leaders. Or maybe you are want to turn a hobby into a part-time company. If so, you are not alone. 80% of baby boomers say they will work at least part time, in retirement, blurring the lines of work and leisure. This is according to recent AARP research.

About 13% of 55 and older households without dependent children (nearly 5.3 million Americans) are currently shifting in and out of retirement, according to SRI Consulting Business Intelligence. Because of poorly performing retirement plans, some are being forced into work. They are living longer and more quality lives by staying active.

Your retirement years will need to be well-funded because retirement is a long horizon. Retirement age is normally 62, and we all want a lavish retirement as an ultimate goal. But, if you want to retire earlier than normal you must have a comprehensive strategy. It still may be possible to exit the workforce early, or work less if you plan ahead and follow some basic suggestions.

Think it through. Retiring is a change in life, and not just another part of your finances. You must decide what you want out of it. Do you get a big part of your identity from your organization? Do you live to work, or work to live? Do you have any compelling interests outside your work that you like to do?

Know the rules. When withdrawing your savings, be aware of the rules. There are ways you can access 401(k) or IRA funds for early retirement needs, and avert the 10% fees under certain situations.

Have a plan. Based on your life expectancy, lifestyle, inflation, and other influences, know when you want to retire and how many funds you will need. Pulling out of retirement money too early can make it impossible to make your assets last as long as you need it to. Plan your succession according to whether you want to sell the business, or transition the company to your children.

Have a plan. Withdrawing funds too early can make it very difficult to make your investments last as long enough. According to your life expectancy, lifestyle, inflation, and other factors, choose when you want to retire and how many funds you will need. Plan your exit according to whether you want to sell the business, or transition the company to family members.

Look for product flexibility. Use accounts with more flexibility, such as an annuity that offers flexible plans, if you are thinking about retirement. They allow you to adjust contributions monthly.

Seek help. When you own a business, things become more involved. If you are among the the many individuals blurring the lines between work and leisure, retirement planning can require specialized attention. Include protection planning, tax planning, business succession, and then develop an appropriate portfolio for your ever-changing needs. Create this comprehensive financial plan with your team of professionals.

Protect yourself. Consider your protection plan, and don't put all your emphasis on investment strategies. You may need to adjust your life, health and long-term care insurance plans to your current circumstances.

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