Wednesday, April 10, 2013

James Malinchak's Gain Knowledge From Your Mistakes

By Liam Martin

"Every problem has in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were made by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity!" -Joseph Sugarman

Don't try for perfection because perfection is rarely achieved. Being perfect is stressful and unnecessary. Also, you must understand that you're going to make mistakes while trying to achieve your goals. Making mistakes is a part of the success process. Understand that the problem isn't that you make a mistake. The problem arises when the same mistake is repeated over and over again, or when you do not take responsibility for your actions.

You'll overcome the mistake much faster if you admit it, correct it, and learn from it. Look for an opportunity to improve. Often, there is a greater lesson to be learned via a mistake than a victory. We often learn how to adjust our thinking to different circumstances. Sometimes a mistake means you have taken action, and that can be more beneficial than being stagnated.

Evaluate the mistake and answer the following two questions:

What was the reason behind the mistake?

What can I learn that will help me to avoid making the same mistake in the future?

As soon as you decide the source of the error, than you could answer the question to overcome recreating the problem again. Finding the source could be frustrating at times as it could be difficult to pinpoint. However, in retracing the steps of actions, you eventually will be able to determine what happened. In this situation, you could find it was an action of an employee or a business partner, however, assume responsibility for not following up with them, monitoring them, or reminding them of what must be done. Remember, it's unlikely that you had no responsibility in the situation.

Sometimes we find it was ourselves that was the problem. The hardest part of learning is overcoming destructive habits that create the mistakes. Those situations cause havoc for people as they are the mistakes that tend to get someone fired. Therefore, you have to decision of how valuable the client.

In making the changes needed to get over mistakes, you see the value in the error. Often much better products, smarter decisions, and more value come once the mistake is corrected. Therefore, don't fret over errors, just take action to correct them. Another ability to overcome mistakes is to find solutions to repair, replace, or rectify the problem before the problem is seen by others. In this case scenario, whenever you admit the error and have available or in place the solution, so that the damage is lessened. In the best case scenario, the other parties might be impressed creating another advantage to having you around.

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